4.30 (pp. 180-181):
longoque foramine buxus"Shrill" describes a high-pitched sound, but the longer the air column of a wind instrument, the lower the pitch. A fife or a penny whistle, with a short bore, emits higher notes than a flute with a longer bore, other things being equal. Thus a boxwood flute (buxus) with a long bore (longo foramine) doesn't necessarily produce a shrill sound. Instead of "the shrill piping of the flute" translate "the long-bored flute".
the shrill piping of the flute
4.48 (pp. 182-183):
albis in turribusManuscripts are divided between albis and altis. Miller and Goold print albis, but translate altis. Translate "on white battlements" or "on shining battlements".
on high battlements
4.261 (pp. 196-197):
sedit humo nuda nudis incompta capillis.Scansion shows that nuda (or, with long marks, nūdā) modifies humo. The ground was bare, but the nymph wasn't naked, so far as we know. Translate "she sat on the bare ground, bareheaded, unkempt."
she sat upon the bare ground, naked, bareheaded, unkempt.