A poem by Juan del Encina (1469-1529), tr. (with one stanza omitted) by John Bowring in
Ancient Poetry and Romances of Spain (London: Taylor and Hessey, 1824), pp. 187-188, rpt. in John A. Crow, ed.,
An Anthology of Spanish Poetry: From the Beginnings to the Present Day, Including Both Spain and Spanish America (Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 1979), p. 53:
Come, let's enjoy the passing hour;
For mournful thought
Will come unsought.
Come, let's enjoy the fleeting day,
And banish toil, and laugh at care;
For who would grief and sorrow bear
When he can throw his griefs away?
Away, away!—begone! I say;
For mournful thought
Will come unsought.
So let's come forth from misery's cell,
And bury all our whims and woes;
Wherever pleasure flits and goes,
O there we'll be! O there we'll dwell!
'Tis there we'll dwell! 'Tis wise and well;
For mournful thought
Will come unsought.
Yes, open all your heart; be glad,—
Glad as a linnet on the tree;
Laugh, laugh away,—and merrily
Drive every dream away that's sad.
Who sadness takes for joy is mad;
And mournful thought
Will come unsought.
In Spanish (from Crow's
Gasajémonos de hucia,
que el pesar
viénese sin le buscar.
Gasajemos esta vida,
descruciemos del trabajo,
quien pudiere haber gasajo
del cordojo se despida:
déle, déle despedida,
que el pesar
viénese sin le buscar.
De los enojos huyamos
con todos nuestros poderes,
andemos tras los placeres,
los pesares aburramos:
tras los placeres corramos,
que el pesar
viénese sin le buscar.
Hagamos siempre por ser
alegres e gasajosos,
cuidados tristes pensosos
huyamos de los tener:
busquemos siempre el placer,
que el pesar
viénese sin le buscar.