
Thursday, October 19, 2023

An Old Man

Aristophanes, Wealth 265-267 (tr. Stephen Halliwell):
I'll tell you, then, you nasty things: he's brought an old man home,
A dirty, stooping, wrinkled wretch, who's bald and toothless too.
What's more, I'll swear by heaven above he's circumcised as well!

ἔχων ἀφῖκται δεῦρο πρεσβύτην τινʼ, ὦ πόνηροι,
ῥυπῶντα κυφὸν ἄθλιον ῥυσὸν μαδῶντα νωδόν·
οἶμαι δὲ νὴ τὸν οὐρανὸν καὶ ψωλὸν αὐτὸν εἶναι.
J. van Leeuwen ad loc. compares Plautus, The Merchant 639-640 (tr. Paul Nixon):
A gray-haired, knock-kneed, pot-bellied, big-mouthed, stubby fellow,
with blackish eyes, lantern jaws, and feet a bit splayed.

canum, varum, ventriosum, bucculentum, breviculum,
subnigris oculis, oblongis malis, pansam aliquantulum.