
Monday, October 09, 2023

Diminution of Sensibility

Paul Valéry (1871-1945), Collected Works, Vol. 10: History and Politics, tr. Denise Folliot and Jackson Mathews (New York: Pantheon Books, 1962), p. 110:
To begin with, it is easy to observe in ourselves a diminution, a kind of general clouding over of sensibility. We modems are not very sensitive. Modern man has blunted his senses; he puts up with every kind of noise, as we all know; he puts up with nauseating smells, with violently contrasting or insanely intense lighting; he is subjected to perpetual vibration; he feels the need of brutal stimulants, strident sounds, the strongest drinks, brief and bestial emotions.
The original, from his Œuvres, t. I (Paris: Gallimard, 1957), p. 1037:
J'observe d'abord très facilement qu'il y a chez nous une diminution, une sorte d'obnubilation générale de la sensibilité. Nous autres modernes, nous sommes fort peu sensibles. L'homme moderne a les sens obtus, il supporte le bruit que vous savez, il supporte les odeurs nauséabondes, les éclairages violents et follement intenses ou contrastés; il est soumis à une trépidation perpétuelle; il a besoin d’excitants brutaux, de sons stridents, de boissons infernales, d'émotions brèves et bestiales.