
Monday, October 23, 2023

For Your Own Good

Augustine, Sermons 32.22 (Patrologia Latina, vol. XXXVIII, col. 204 = Corpus Christianorum, Series Latina, vol. 41, p. 408; tr. Edmund Hill):
But do you consider yourself worthy to be given these things too by God? Ask yourself how you would use them. If he hasn't given them to you, you must know that it is for your own good that a good Father doesn't provide you with them. Because sometimes your own little boy cries for you to give him that lovely knife with the gilt handle, and he can cry as much as he likes, but you don't give him something he can hurt himself with.

Sed dignum te iudicas cui et ista Deus det? Quaere quomodo utaris. Si non dedit, scias quia prodest tibi quia non dat pater bonus. Quia et filius tuus quando plorat, ut des illi formosum cultellum manubrio deaurato, quantum vult ploret, non illi das unde laedatur.
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