
Monday, October 30, 2023

It Isn't Long

Augustine, Sermons 33A.2 (Patrologia Latina, vol. 46, col. 918 = Corpus Christianorum, Series Latina, vol. 41, p. 418; tr. Edmund Hill):
However much you live here, it isn't long. How can that be long which doesn't satisfy you? A boy says a man he sees to be old has lived long. But when he gets to the same age himself, then he will see how indeed it wasn't long. Yes indeed, that's how a lifetime flies by, that's how the moments run into one another, so that it seems it was only the day before yesterday we were boys, only yesterday we were young fellows, today we are old men.

Quantumcumque hic vixeris, diu non est. Quomodo est diu, quod te non satiat? Dicit puer diu vixisse hominem, quem videt senem; sed cum pervenerit quo ille pervenit, tunc videt quam non fuerit diu. Prorsus sic volat aetas, ita in se momenta transcurrunt, ut videamus nudius tertius fuisse nos pueros, heri iuvenes, hodie senes.