
Friday, October 27, 2023

Pindar's Prayer

Pindar, fragment 155 Snell-Maehler (tr. John Sandys):
What shall I do to be dear unto thee, O loudly-thundering
son of Cronus, and dear unto the Muses,
and to be cared for by Jollity? This is my prayer to thee.

τί ἔρδων φίλος σοί τε, καρτερόβρεντα
Κρονίδα, φίλος δὲ Μοίσαις,
Εὐθυμίᾳ τε μέλων εἴην, τοῦτ᾿ αἴτημί σε.

καρτερόβρεντα Snell: καρτερόβροντα codd. Ath. 5.18.191f
See Robert Renehan, Greek Textual Criticism: A Reader (Cambridge: Harvard Unicersity Press, 1969), pp. 127-128.