
Friday, October 20, 2023

The Present State of the Country

Letter of Ezra Pound to Hubert Creekmore (February 1939), in The Letters of Ezra Pound 1907-1941, ed. D.D. Paige (London: Faber and Faber, 1951), pp. 417-418 (at 417):
Am I American? Yes, and buggar the present state of the country, the utter betrayal of the American Constitution, the filth of the Universities, and the — — — — system of publication whereby you can buy Lenin, Trotsky (the messiest mutt of the lot), Stalin for 10 cents and 25 cents, and it takes seven years to get a set of John Adams at about 30 dollars. Van Buren's autobiog not printed till 1920.


When are you going to make the place safe for natives? Or to hell with safe; when are you going to make it or permit it to be made a fit habitat?
A. David Moody, Ezra Pound, Poet: A Portrait of the Man and His Work, Vol. II: The Epic Years, 1921-1939 (Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2014), p. 298, dates the letter to March 1939 and quotes "shitten" in place of the dashes.