
Sunday, November 05, 2023

All Were Astounded

From an Old French fatrasie, number 28, lines 3-9, in Lambert C. Porter, La fatrasie et le fatras: essai sur la poésie irrationnelle en France au Moyen Age (Genève: Librairie E. Droz, 1960), p. 128 (tr. Kathryn Gravdal):
From the foot of a mite
a fart hung himself,
the better to hide
behind a goblin;
whereupon all were astounded,
for there, to carry off his soul,
came the head of a pumpkin...

D'un pet de suiron,
Uns pez ce fist pendre
Pour l'i miex deffendre
Derier un luiton;
La s'en esmervilla on,
Que tantost vint l'ame prendre
La teste d'un porion...