
Saturday, November 11, 2023

Except Ye Become as Little Children

J. Linderski, "Agnes Kirsopp Michels and the Religio," Classical Journal 92.4 (April-May, 1997) 323-345 (at 326, n. 11):
[A] true scholar is engaged in discovering things quite like a child.
Id. (at 328, on Michels' "The Archaeological Evidence for the 'Tuscan Temple'," Memoirs of the American Academy in Rome 12 [1935] 89-149):
This youthful work shows all the hallmarks of a mature scholar: painstaking attention to detail, dogged hunt for facts, distrust of fancy theories, and independence of mind.
Id. (at 339):
In the face of an ideology, religious or secular, past or present, it is difficult to be so detached as scientists are with respect to their retorts. The rationalists may have trouble in taking any religion seriously, and a fortiori the cool and distant religion of the Romans, and the scholars who are imbued with religious fervor may not bring themselves to treat seriously any religion that does not resemble their own creed.