
Friday, December 08, 2023

A Hard Life

Augustine, Sermons 60.2 (Patrologia Latina, vol. 38, cols. 402-403; tr. Edmund Hill):
It's a hard business, the life of mortals. What else does being born here mean, but entry into a wearisome life? Witness to the greater toils that lie ahead is borne by the very wails of the newborn child. Nobody can get out of attending this irksome party; the drinks Adam poured out have to be drunk.

Dura causa est vita mortalis. Quid est aliud hic nasci, nisi ingredi laboriosam vitam? De labore futuro nostrore, testis est ipse fletus infantis. Ab isto molesto convivio nemo est excusatus. Bibendum fuit quod propinavit Adam.
A somewhat different text in Revue bénédictine 58 (1948) 37:
Dura causa este uita mortalium. Quid est aliud hic nasci, nisi ingredi laboriosam uitam? De labore futuro maiore, testis est ipse fletus infantis. Ab isto molesto conuiuio nemo se excusat. Bibendum est quod propinauit Adam.