
Friday, December 29, 2023

Gagged with the Gospel

Augustine, Sermons 72A.5 (Miscellanea Agostiniana, vol. 1, p. 160; tr. Edmund Hill):
You fool, you stubborn, argumentative, rightly hated mule!


I know what he's going to say: "I will take the book, open the gospel, recite his words, written in the holy gospel." Fine, fine; I will grab you with the gospel, I will tie you up with the gospel. I will gag you with the gospel.

O stulte, o contentiose, o merito odiose!


Novi quod dicturus est: "Codicem sumam, Evangelium aperiam, verba eius recitabo scripta in sancto Evangelio". Bene, bene: ipso Evangelio tenebo te, cum ipso Evangelio alligabo te, de ipso Evangelio suffocabo te.
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