
Wednesday, December 13, 2023

Joy and Complacency

John Donne (1572-1631), Essays in Divinity, ed. Augustus Jessopp (London: John Tupling, 1855), p. 143:
The general reasons why GOD admits some such diversities in His book, prevail also for this place which is now under our consideration; which are,

First, To make men sharp and industrious in the inquisition of truth, He withdraws it from present apprehension and obviousness. For naturally great wits affect the reading of obscure books, wrestle and sweat in the explication of prophecies, dig and thresh out the words of unlegible hands, resuscitate and bring to life again the mangled and lame fragmentary images and characters in marbles and medals, because they have a joy and complacency in the victory and achievement thereof.