
Sunday, December 17, 2023

Time Flies

Augustine, Sermons 65A.13 (Corpus Christianorum, Series Latina, vol. XLI A, p. 401; tr. Edmund Hill):
For us now not a single day stands still, not a single day stands still for us, they all fly away. It's gone before it's come. So of this very day on which I'm speaking, how much has already flown. We can't even hold on to this moment we are in now; it too flies away and another one comes, and it's not going to stand still either, but will fly away in turn.

Non ad nos stat nec unus dies. Nec unus dies ad nos stat: fugiunt omnes. Antequam venit, abscedit. De hoc ergo die, ex quo loquimur, quantum iam fugit! Nec horam, in qua sumus, tenemus. Fugit et ipsa, venit et alia, nec ipsa statura sed fugitura.