
Friday, June 21, 2024


Larry Eldridge,"Chessman," Portland Press Herald (June 19, 1966), p. 70:
The third annual match between the top players in the Maine Chess League and their counterparts in the Northeast League of Massachusetts was a real thriller, going down to the final game before winding up as a 10-10 standoff.


Maine winners on the lower boards included Val Michaud of Waterville, Ken Carter of Portland and all three Bangor representatives — Bob Perkins, Phil Pond and Mike Gilleland.
One summer Phil Pond and I worked together on a house-painting crew. I can still remember sitting together on the scaffolding, painting but also playing chess without a board, in our heads, calling out the moves. Probably Phil won our game — in 1966 he was the junior winner of the Maine State Chess Tournament (Bangor Daily News, May 2, 1966, p. 16).