
Tuesday, June 04, 2024

Prudent Racine, Patriote of 1837, My 3rd Great-Grandfather

David Vermette, "Prudent Racine: Patriote of 1837, Rebel Against Entrenched Power and Privilege," French North America (July 31, 2012).

Line of descent:
Prudent Racine (1807-1881)
Philibert Racine (1845-1900, aka Philip Root)
Grace Albina Racine (1868-1947)
Eddie Paiement (1895-1971), my grandfather
See Copy of the report of the Commissioners appointed in Lower Canada, under an ordinance of 1 Vict.c.7, to inquire into the losses sustained during the late Rebellion; Also the names of persons who claimed compensation before the commissioners and the amount of their claims (1840), pp. 16 (claim dismissed) and 29 (list of rebels).

Henri Julien (1852-1908), Le Patriote:
The Monument des Patriotes (Cimetière-de-Notre-Dame-des-Neiges, Montréal, Québec) commemorates those who died in the battles of Saint-Eustache, Saint-Denis, and Saint-Charles, as well as the twelve patriots executed in 1839:
Photograph of Prudent Racine and his wife Eleonore Combe Brindamour (Roxton Falls, Québec):