
Sunday, July 21, 2024


Homer, Odyssey 20.14-16 (tr. A.T. Murray):
And as a bitch stands over her tender whelps
growling, when she sees a man she does not know, and is eager to fight,
so his heart growled within him in his wrath at their evil deeds...

ὡς δὲ κύων ἀμαλῇσι περὶ σκυλάκεσσι βεβῶσα
ἄνδρʼ ἀγνοιήσασʼ ὑλάει μέμονέν τε μάχεσθαι,
ὥς ῥα τοῦ ἔνδον ὑλάκτει ἀγαιομένου κακὰ ἔργα...