
Thursday, July 11, 2024


R. Sealey, "The Origin of the Delian League", in Ancient Society and Institutions: Studies Presented to Victor Ehrenberg on his 75th Birthday (1966; rpt. New York: Barnes & Noble, 1967), pp. 233-255 (at 253):
The League of Delos was founded because of a dispute about booty and its purpose was to get more booty.
If there is any word whose change of meaning I deplore more than "gay", it is "booty".

Eric Thomson draws my attention to James Lewis May's translation of Ovid, Ars Amatoria 1.117-126:
Even as the weak and timid doves flee before an eagle, even as a young lamb quails at the sight of a wolf, so shuddered the Sabine women when they beheld these fierce warriors making towards them. Every one turned pale, terror spread throughout the throng, but it showed itself in different ways. Some tore their hair; some swooned away; some wept in silence; some called vainly for their mothers; some sobbed aloud; others seemed stupefied with fear; some stood transfixed; others tried to flee. Nevertheless, the Romans carry off the women, sweet booty for their beds, and to many of them, terror lends an added charm.

Ut fugiunt aquilas, timidissima turba, columbae,
    Ut fugit invisos agna novella lupos:
Sic illae timuere viros sine more ruentes;
    Constitit in nulla qui fuit ante color.
Nam timor unus erat, facies non una timoris:
    Pars laniat crines, pars sine mente sedet;
Altera maesta silet, frustra vocat altera matrem:
    Haec queritur, stupet haec; haec manet, illa fugit;
Ducuntur raptae, genialis praeda, puellae,
    Et potuit multas ipse decere timor.