Heinrich Heine (1797-1856),
Die Heimkehr LXIV, from
Buch der Lieder (tr. Hal Draper):
Counsels they gave me, admonishing phrases,
Heaped me high with honors and praises,
Told me that I had only to wait,
I'd be their protégé sure as fate.
Still, despite many a promise-monger,
I would have died long since of hunger,
Save that a good man came to agree
He'd undertake to look after me.
Excellent man! he tended and fed me!
Never will I forget, God stead me!
Embrace him I cannot, unfortunately:
I am that excellent man, you see!
Gaben mir Rat und gute Lehren,
Überschütteten mich mit Ehren,
Sagten, daß ich nur warten sollt,
Haben mich protegieren gewollt.
Aber bei all ihrem Protegieren
Hätte ich können vor Hunger krepieren,
Wär nicht gekommen ein braver Mann,
Wacker nahm er sich meiner an.
Braver Mann! Er schafft mir zu essen!
Will es ihm nie und nimmer vergessen!
Schade, daß ich ihn nicht küssen kann!
Denn ich bin selbst dieser brave Mann.
The same (tr. Walter W. Arndt):
They gave me counsel and words to the wise
And eulogies more than enough,
Told me to just be patient a while,
They'd intercede in my behalf.
But for all their patronages
I could have perished under bridges
Had there not come a man of heart
To look after me and take my part.
Oh worthy man! He keeps me in food!
I'll never forget his solicitude!
Ah, what shame I can't embrace him!
It's in my looking glass I face him.
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