
Sunday, December 10, 2023

Before Breakfast

George Gissing, letter to his brother Algernon (June 19, 1881):
Your study-plan is very good, and, if you can stick to it, will bring you through much work. At present, it being quite impossible for me to do any writing, I work something like this. Before breakfast three chapters of the Germania of Tacitus, and some Roman History; in the afternoon, History of the Middle Ages (I contemplate a Life and Times of Gregory VII., some day); at night, political reading, whatever general literature I have on hand, and, last of all, 50 lines of Sophocles—at present the Antigone.
Thomas Babington Macaulay, letter to Thomas Flower Ellis (December 16, 1834):
I have read during the last fortnight, before breakfast, three books of Herodotus, and four plays of Aeschylus.