Thursday, December 06, 2012


Never Sere

John Edwin Sandys, A History of Classical Scholarship, Vol. III: The Eighteenth Century in Germany, and the Nineteenth Century in Europe and the United State of America (Cambridge: At the University Press, 1908), pp. 484-485, on Walter Headlam (1866–1908):
Only nine days before his death, he had the pleasure of meeting Wilamowitz, who, in the course of his brief visit to Cambridge, said of some of Walter Headlam's Greek verses that, if they had been discovered in an Egyptian papyrus, they would immediately have been recognised by all scholars as true Greek poetry1.

1The Times, 22 June, 1908; cp. Athenaeum, June 27.
Some of Headlam's Greek verses, mostly translations from English, can be found in his A Book of Greek Verse (Cambridge: At the University Press, 1907), but there are also some in the opening pages of his Fifty Poems of Meleager (London: Macmillan and Co., 1890), with his own translations from the Greek into English. Here are the final lines of one of Headlam's poems in Fifty Poems of Meleager:
Not of Grecian birth are we,
but, no Grecians though we be,
still to us the blooms are dear,
blown in Greece, and never sere.

ἡμεῖς οὐχ Ἕλληνες· ἀνέλληνες δὲ φιλοῦμεν
τὴν οὐ καρφομένην Ἑλλάδος ἀνθοσύνην.
A good motto for a Philhellene.

The only example of ἀνέλλην in Liddell-Scott-Jones (LSJ) is Aeschylus, Suppliant Women 234. LSJ cites only two passages for ἀνθοσύνη, in poems by Agathias Scholasticus—Greek Anthology 5.275 and 11.365. The reference to 5.275 is incorrect; it should be 5.276 (line 8).

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