Friday, May 30, 2014


A Type of Oxymoron

Aeschylus, Libation Bearers 44: χάριν ἀχάριτον (where ἀχάριτον is Elmsley's emendation of the transmitted ἄχαριν)

Aeschylus, Prometheus Bound 545: ἄχαρις χάρις

Aeschylus, Suppliant Women 862: θέλεος ἀθέλεος

Sophocles, Ajax 665: ἄδωρα δῶρα

Sophocles, Electra 1154: μήτηρ ἀμήτωρ

Sophocles, Oedipus the King 1214: ἄγαμον γάμον

Sophocles, Philoctetes 848: ὕπνος ἄϋπνος

Euripides, Hecuba 612: νύμφην τ' ἄνυμφον παρθένον τ' ἀπάρθενον

Euripides, Helen 363: ἔργ' ἄνεργ'

Euripides, Iphigenia among the Taurians 566: χάριν ἄχαριν

Euripides, Phoenician Women 1757: χάριν ἀχάριτον (where ἀχάριτον is Hermann's emendation of the transmitted ἀχάριστον or ἄχαριν)

Euripides, Suppliant Women 32: δεσμὸν δ' ἄδεσμον

Euripides, fragment 370.41 (from Erechtheus): ἱερὸν ἀνίερον ὅσιον ἀνόσιον (where ἱερὸν ἀνίερον is Diggle's emendation of the transmitted ἀνίερον ἀνίερον)

Euphorion of Chalcis, fragment 26.ii.17 Lightfoot: ἄταφος τάφος

Greek Anthology 7.561.6 (Julian): κόσμον ἄκοσμον

Greek Anthology 9.323.3 (Antipater): κόσμον ἄκοσμον

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