Sunday, August 31, 2014


A Mistaken Change of Speaker

Plautus, Casina. The Casket Comedy. Curculio. Epidicus. The Two Menaechmuses. Edited and Translated by Wolfgang de Melo (Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 2011 = Loeb Classical Library, 61), pp. 94-95 (Casina 793-799; images from the actual book):

The English translation indicates a change of speaker to Olympio (OL) at line 794, after Pardalisca exits, but this should be removed and the entire speech (793-797) assigned to Lysidamus (LYS). Olympio doesn't speak here until line 798.

I'm indulging my "inner pedant," described thus by Theodore Dalrymple, "The Money of Fools," Taki's Magazine (August 31, 2014):
The inner pedant in all, or at least in many, of us is that inner creature that takes delight in pointing out the errors of others, not so much because he loves truth as because he likes to advertise his own cleverness and knowledge. But of all the many forms of pride, that in knowledge and cleverness is the most vulgar, because knowledge and cleverness should lead to wisdom and modesty rather than pride. After all, knowledge is always finite, ignorance infinite, and this is true even for the most knowledgeable person in the world.


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