Thursday, June 29, 2017


An Unbridled Tongue

Norman W. de Witt, "Organization and Procedure in Epicurean Groups," Classical Philology 31.3 (July, 1936) 205-211 (at 209; discussing and translating excerpts from Philodemus, On Frank Criticism):
Proper correction will come from one "actuated by good will, devoting himself intelligently and diligently to philosophy, steadfast in principle, careless of what people think of him, immune from any tendency to demagoguery, free from spitefulness, saying only what fits the occasion, and not likely to be carried away so as to revile, jeer, belittle, injure feelings, or resort to tricks of wanton acquiescence or flattery (Ib, 2-13)." The opposite will be expected of one "with an unbridled tongue, prone to blame others, light-minded so as to be incensed at slight affronts, bickersome, truculent, or bitter (IIb, 1-7)."
See also Philodemus, On Frank Criticism. Introduction, Translation, and Notes by David Konstan et al. (1998; rpt. Atlanta: Scholars Press, 2007), pp. 92-95.

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