Tuesday, February 06, 2018


Unlucky Seven

John Edwin Sandys (1844-1922), A History of Classical Scholarship, Vol. III: The Eighteenth Century in Germany, and the Nineteenth Century in Europe and the United States of America (1908; rpt. New York: Hafner Publishing Co., 1958), p. 129 (on Karl Lachmann):
His interest in the Greek poets is exemplified in his able review of Hermann's edition of the Ajax7; a paper on the date and purpose of the Oedipus Coloneüs8; and two Königsberg programs on the Choral Odes and the Dialogue in Greek Tragedy, contending that the total number of lines assigned to each Chorus and each Dialogue, as well as the total number of the lines assigned to each actor, was divisible by seven,—a contention that has not been generally accepted.

Kl. Schr. ii 1 f.
8 Kl. Schr. ii 18.
I think the references are to De choricis systematis tragicorum Graecorum libri quattuor (Berlin: Reimer, 1819) and De mensura tragoediarum liber singularis (Berlin: Reimer, 1822).

I'm reminded of the fantasies concerning the Golden Section ratio in George E. Duckworth, Structural Patterns and Proportions in Vergil's Aeneid (Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1962).

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