Friday, August 03, 2018


Gentle Pleasures

"A Symposium on the Value of Humanistic, Particularly Classical, Studies as a Training for Men of Affairs. I, Letters, 2: From James Loeb," School Review 17.6 (June, 1909) 370-374 (at 373-374):
The great and legitimate aim of a business man is to make money, to provide for himself and his family such luxuries and comforts as his taste and social standing demand. But when a man has reached the goal of his desires, when he has made his pile and wants to enjoy it, then comes the time for the making of the real and only balance sheet. Then he must ask himself, "What are my resources, now that I have everything that money can buy? What are my spiritual and intellectual assets? How can I best spend what is left to me of life?" Lucky is the man whose early training fits him for something more than the golf-field, or the tennis-court, and for something better than the gaming-table when his days of business activity are over. He can taste the gentler pleasures that await him in his study and by the blazing hearth-fire. His Sophocles or his Horace or his Catullus will make the winter of life seem like its early spring when the greatest struggle he knew was with the elusive rules of grammar and syntax.

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