Monday, August 27, 2018


Imitate Them Who Can!

Friedrich Nietzsche (1844-1900), Human, All Too Human, II.ii, § 336 (tr. R.J. Hollingdale):
Sophoclism. — Who has ever put more water into their wine than the Greeks! Sobriety and gracefulness combined — that was the privilege of the nobility of Athens at the time of Sophocles and after him. Imitate them who can! In life and in works!

Sophokleismus. — Wer hat mehr Wasser in den Wein gegossen als die Griechen! Nüchternheit und Grazie verbunden — das war das Adels-Vorrecht des Atheners zur Zeit des Sophokles und nach ihm. Mache es nach, wer da kann! Im Leben und Schaffen!

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