Wednesday, May 22, 2019


Moving Day

Geoffrey Chaucer, "Knight's Tale," Canterbury Tales I.2809-2814 (on the death of Arcite; tr. Nevill Coghill):
His spirit changed its house and went away
Where I came never — where I cannot say,
And so am silent. I am no divine.
Souls are not mentioned in this tale of mine,
I offer no opinion, I can tell
You nothing, though some have written where they dwell.

His spirit chaunged hous and wente ther,
As I cam nevere, I kan nat tellen wher.
Therfor I stinte, I nam no divinistre.
Of soules finde I nat in this registre,
Ne me ne list thilke opinions to telle
Of hem, though that they writen wher they dwelle.

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