Monday, August 26, 2019


A Teacher Younger Than Oneself

Myles Burnyeat, Introduction to Bernard Williams, The Sense of the Past: Essays in the History of Philosophy (Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2006; rpt. 2008), p. xix (on Eduard Fraenkel and E.R. Dodds):
Less well known is Fraenkel's reaction on first encountering Dodds, when he came to read a paper in Oxford. Fraenkel said to the then Regius Professor of Greek, Gilbert Murray, whom Dodds would in due course succeed, that he would like to study under that man for a year.12

12 This information comes from a letter to the then Prime Minister, Stanley Baldwin, in which Murray recommends that Dodds be appointed his successor. The carbon copy is among Murray's papers in the Bodleian Library (MS. Gilbert Murray 77, fols. 138-140).
Hat tip: Eric Thomson.

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