Thursday, September 26, 2019


Rules of Order

Statutes of the Iobacchi = Inscriptiones Graecae II2 1368, lines 63 ff., tr. in Paganism and Christianity, 100-425 C.E. A Sourcebook. Edited by Ramsay MacMullen and Eugene Lane (Minneapolis: Fortress Press, 1992), pp. 70-71:
No one may either sing or create a disturbance or applaud at the gathering, but each shall say and act his allotted part with all good order and quietness under the priest or the arch-bacchus. No Iobacchus who has not paid his contributions for the monthly and anniversary meetings shall enter the gathering until the priests have decided either that he must pay or that he may be admitted. If anyone start a fight or be found acting disorderly or occupying the seat of any other member or using insulting or abusive language to anyone, the person so abused or insulted shall produce two of the Iobacchi to state upon oath that they heard him insulted or abused, and he who is guilty of the insult or abuse shall pay to the Society twenty-five light drachmas, or he who is responsible for the fight shall pay the same sum of twenty-five drachmas, on pain of exclusion from the meetings of the Iobacchi until they make payment. And if anyone comes to blows, he who has been struck shall lodge a written statement with the priest or the vice-priest, and he shall without fail convene a general meeting, and the Iobacchi shall decide the question by vote under the presidency of the priest, and the penalty shall be exclusion for a period to be determined and a fine not exceeding twenty-five silver denarii. And the same punishment shall be imposed on one who, having been struck, fails to seek redress with the priest or the arch-bacchus but has brought a charge before the public courts. And the same punishment shall be imposed upon the orderly officer (eukosmos) if he failed to eject those who were fighting. And if any one of the Iobacchi, knowing that a general meeting ought to be convened for this purpose, fail to attend, he shall pay to the Society fifty light drachmas, and if he fail to pay on demand, the treasurer shall have power to prevent him him entering the Bacchic Society until he pay.
Greek text here.

MacMullen and Lane (p. 69) attribute the translation to "Marcus N. Tod, Classical Quarterly (1932): 86 ff." but I can't find it there. The correct citation may be Marcus N. Tod, Sidelights on Greek History (Oxford: Basil Blackwell, 1932), pp. 86-91 (non vidi).

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