Sunday, August 23, 2020


Learning versus Experience

Roger Ascham (1515-1568), The Scholemaster, ed. John E.B. Mayor (London: Bell and Daldy, 1863), pp. 54-55:
Learning teacheth more in one yeare than experience in twentie: And learning teacheth safelie, when experience maketh mo miserable then wise. He hasardeth sore, that waxeth wise by experience. An unhappie Master he is, that is made cunning by manie shippewrakes: A miserable merchant, that is neither riche nor wise, but after som bankroutes. It is costlie wisdom, that is bought by experience. We know by experience it selfe, that it is a mervelous paine, to finde oute but a short waie by long wandering. And surelie, he that wold prove wise by experience, he maie be wittie in deede, but even like a swift runner, that runneth fast out of his waie, and upon the night, he knoweth not whither. And verilie they be fewest of number, that be happie or wise by unlearned experience. And looke well upon the former life of those fewe, whether your example be old or yonge, who without learning have gathered, by long experience, a litle wisdom, and som happines: and whan you do consider, what mischeife they have committed, what dangers they have escaped (and yet twenty for one do perishe in the adventure) than thinke well with yourselfe, whether ye wold, that your owne son shold cum to wisdom and happines by the waie of soch experience or no.

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