Monday, December 14, 2020


A Madman

Joseph Epstein, "The Reluctant Bibliophile," Wind Sprints: Shorter Essays (Edinburg: Axios Press, 2016), pp. 523-525 (at 525):
The remainder of my reading life should be devoted to filling in the gaps of the great books I've not yet read or rereading those I read too young and with too little understanding. Yet I continue to acquire new books. At what point does bibliophilia turn into bibliomania? I fear I may have reached it. So if you happen to see a mild-looking little man descending the steps of the Evanston Library, a copy of Tarn and Griffith's Hellenistic Civilization and of Michael Millgate's hefty biography of Thomas Hardy under his arm and a complacent smile on his face, proceed cautiously. He is probably not dangerous though undoubtedly mad.

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