Sunday, April 04, 2021


Boxer at Rest

Bronze statue of a boxer, from the Baths of Constantine (Museo Nazionale Romano-Palazzo Massimo alle Terme, inv. no. 1055):
See Amelia Arenas, "The Boxer," Arion 7.1 (Spring-Summer, 1999) 120-126. I don't have access to Wilfred Geominy and Stefan Lehmann, "Zum Bronzebild des sitzenden Faustkämpfers im Museo Nazionale Romano," Stadion. Internationale Zeitschrift für Geschichte des Sports 15 (1989) 139-175, or Paul Zanker, "Der Boxer," in Luca Giuliani, ed., Meisterwerke der antiken Kunst (Munich: C.H. Beck, 2005), pp. 28-49.

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