Saturday, July 17, 2021


A Greek Vase

5th century BC kantharos from Nola, attributed to the Amphitrite Painter (London, British Museum, Museum number 1865,0103.23, Catalogue number E155):
Some think this represents Death and Heracles fighting over Alcestis. See e.g. Herbert González Zymla, "La iconografía de Thanatos, el dios muerte en el arte griego, y la percepción de lo macabro desde la sensibilidad clásica," Eikón Imago 10 (2021) 107-128 (at 122). But the vase isn't listed in T.B.L. Webster, Monuments Illustrating Tragedy and Satyr Play, 2nd ed. (London: University of London, Institute of Classical Studies, 1967), p. 154, under the entry for Euripides' Alcestis.

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