Sunday, June 12, 2022



Ezra Pound, radio broadcast on July 25, 1943, in Ezra Pound Speaking. Radio Speeches of World War II. Edited by Leonard W. Doob (Westport: Greenwood Press, 1978), pp. 376-377:
Some of you MUST stand back now and then, and sift out what you hear on your air. What you read in your papers. Must perceive that most of it is flimflam, that is, stuff poured out to get your mind off the fact, and to KEEP you from reflecting on the facts, and keep you from thinking at all of a sane order.
Id., radio broadcast from 1942, p. 396:
For a decade or more, everyone NOT wholly blinded and hoodwinked has been remarking on the peculiar stink of your press, the mixture of dung and saccharin dished up each morning in your newspapers.

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