Wednesday, June 15, 2022


Spear and Bow

Calvert Watkins (1933-2013), How to Kill a Dragon: Aspects of Indo-European Poetics (New York: Oxford University Press, 1995), pp. 21-22:
Anyone who knows by heart the couplet of the Greek soldier-poet Archilochus (2 IEG):
ἐν δορὶ μὲν μοι μᾶζα μεμαγμένη, ἐν δορὶ δ᾽ οἶνος
Ἰσμαρικός, πίνω δ᾽ ἐν δορὶ κεκλιμένος,

In my spear is my kneaded bread; in my spear
Ismarian wine; I drink leaning on my spear,
with its triple figure of anaphora of the weapon, will surely recognize and respond to the same figure of anaphora, this time five-fold, of another weapon in Rigveda 6.75.2:
dhánvanā gā́ dhánvanājíṃ jayema
dhánvanā tīvrā́ḥ samádo jayema
dhánuḥ śátror apakāmáṃ kṛṇoti
dhánvanā sárvāḥ pradíśo jayema

With the bow may we win cattle, with the bow the fight;
with the bow may we win fierce battles.
The bow takes away the enemy's zeal;
with the bow may we win all the regions.

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