Wednesday, September 07, 2022


A Fable

Justin, Epitome of Pompeius Trogus 43.4 (tr. John Selby Watson):
He added the following fable: "A bitch once asked a shepherd, when she was big with young, for a place to bring forth her puppies; having obtained it, she requested again that she might be allowed to bring them up in the same place; and at last, when her young were grown up, and she could depend upon their support, she claimed possession of the place as her own."

subnectit et illam fabulam: canem aliquando partu gravidam locum a pastore precario petisse, in quo pareret, quo obtento iterato petisse, ut sibi educare eodem in loco catulos liceret; ad postremum adultis catulis fultam domestico praesidio proprietatem loci sibi vindicasse.

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