Sunday, September 11, 2022


Dedication of a Helmet

Etruscan helmet in the British Museum (museum number 1823,0610.1):
Russell Meiggs and David Lewis, A Selection of Greek Historical Inscriptions to the End of the Fifth Century B.C. (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1969), p. 62:
I can't figure out how to print the omicron with the circumflex accent in the third line; otherwise I would transcribe the inscription.

Critical apparatus from Enrico Chies, "Dedica di Ierone di Siracusa a Olimpia," Axon 5.1 (June, 2021) 73-102 (at 75):
Translation by Kenneth Dover, The Greeks, 3rd ed. (Austin: University of Texas Press, 1989), p. 25:
Hieron, son of Deonomenes, and the Syracusans
to Zeus
Etruscan (sc. spoils)
from Kyme.

Following the suggestion of a reader ( I tried to render omicron with circumflex by ο͂ but this makes the circumflex sit to the right of the omicron, not directly on top of it, at least in my browser (Brave):
ℎιάρον ὁ Δεινομένεος
καὶ τοὶ Συρακόσιοι
το͂ι Δὶ Τυράν' ἀπὸ Κύμας.

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