Monday, October 03, 2022


Vetulonia, Home of the Fasces

Silius Italicus 8.483-485 (tr. J.D. Duff): 
...and Vetulonia, once the pride of the Lydian race. From that city came the twelve bundles of rods that are borne before the consul, and also the twelve axes with their silent menace.

...Maeoniaeque decus quondam Vetulonia gentis.
bissenos haec prima dedit praecedere fasces
et iunxit totidem tacito terrore securis.
Axe bound with iron rods, from the Tomb of the Lictor in Vetulonia (late 7th century BC):
David Randall-MacIver, Villanovans and Early Etruscans: A Study of the Early Iron Age in Italy (Oxford: Clarendon Press, 1924), p. 102 (click once or twice to enlarge):

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