Wednesday, August 09, 2023


Classical Taste

Friedrich Nietzsche, The Will to Power, tr. Walter Kaufmann and R.J. Hollingdale (New York: Vintage Books, 1968), p. 107 (II, 175, with notes)
How one reacts to the New Testament is a test of whether one has any classical taste in one's bones (cf. Tacitus); whoever is not revolted by it, whoever does not honestly and profoundly sense something of foeda superstitio25 in it, something from which one withdraws one's hand as if to avoid being soiled, does not know what is classical. One must feel about the "cross" as Goethe did26

25 "Abominable superstition."

26 An allusion to Goethe's Venetian Epigrams (1790): the original text and a verse translation will be found in Twenty German Poets, ed. and tr. Walter Kaufmann (New York: Modern Library, 1963), pp. 32 f.

Es ist eine Probe davon, ob man etwas classischen Geschmack im Leibe hat, wie man zum neuen Testament steht (vergl. Tacitus); wer davon nicht revoltirt ist, wer dabei nicht ehrlich und gründlich etwas von foeda superstitio empfindet, etwas, wovon man die Hand zurückzieht, wie um nicht sich zu beschmutzen: der weiss nicht, was classisch ist. Man muss das „Kreuz“ empfinden wie Goethe—
Goethe, Venetian Epigrams 8, in Twenty-Five German Poets: A Bilingual Collection. Edited, Translated, and Introduced by Walter Kaufmann (New York: W.W. Norton & Company Inc., 1975), pp. 50-51:
Jeglichen Schwärmer schlagt mir ans Kreuz im dreissigsten Jahre;
    Kennt er nur einmal die Welt, wird der Betrogne der Schelm.

Every enthusiast nail to the cross in his thirtieth year!
    Once they see through the world, those taken in become knaves.

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