Monday, July 29, 2024


A Plague on the Whole World

Sallust, Histories, fragment 69.17 Maurenbrecher (letter of Mithridates VI of Pontus to Arsaces of Parthia about the Romans; tr. William W. Batstone):
Or don't you know that ... once they were immigrants without a country or parents; they have been established as a plague upon the whole world; nothing human or divine prevents them from robbing and exterminating allies and friends, people far away and nearby, the impoverished and the powerful.

an ignoras ... convenas olim sine patria, parentibus, pesti conditos orbis terrarum, quibus non humana ulla neque divina obstant quin socios amicos, procul iuxta sitos, inopes potentisque trahant excindant.

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