Tuesday, July 23, 2024


Like Cattle

Sallust, Histories, fragment 48.6 Maurenbrecher (speech of C. Licinius Macer, 73 BC; tr. John T. Ramsey):
In the meantime you, after the fashion of cattle, offer yourselves, a great throng, to be controlled and exploited by mere individuals, after having been stripped of all that your forefathers left you, except for the fact that by your ballots you now play a direct role in designating masters for yourselves, just as formerly you did protectors.

interim more pecorum vos, multitudo, singulis habendos fruendosque praebetis, exuti omnibus quae maiores reliquere, nisi quia vobismet ipsi per suffragia, ut praesides olim, nunc dominos destinatis.

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