Sunday, July 28, 2024


The Swineherd

Homer, Odyssey 20.162-163 (tr. A.T. Murray):
After them came the swineherd,
driving three boars which were the best in all his herd.

                                         ἐπὶ δέ σφισιν ἦλθε συβώτης
τρεῖς σιάλους κατάγων, οἳ ἔσαν μετὰ πᾶσιν ἄριστοι.
Kansas City Times (Friday, October 14, 1892), p. 5:
E.B. Gilleland of Gunn City., Mo., sold a nice lot of hogs yesterday.
E.B. Gilleland was my great-grandfather.

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