Tuesday, October 08, 2024



Augustine, Sermons 265C.1 (G. Morin, ed., Sancti Aureli Augustini Tractatus, sive, Sermones inediti: ex codice Guelferbytano 4096 [Kempten: Kösel, 1917], p. 74; tr. Edmund Hill):
So you there, greedy man, money-grubber, looking for profit from any source, whether honest or shady makes no difference to you, you are amassing for yourself a great deal of mud. You're collecting mud, and you aren't in the least worried about sticking in it, material, earthly things are so dear to you.

O tu avare homo adquisitor, undecumque sive honeste sive turpiter lucra conquirens, congeris ad te multum lutum; lutum colligis, et ne ibi haereas non pertimescis, cara sunt tibi terrena.

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