Saturday, December 14, 2024


Bad Teachers

Jerome, Commentary on Matthew 23.27 (Corpus Christianorum, Series Latina, vol. 77, p. 217; tr. Thomas P. Scheck):
Just as tombs are smoothed over on the outside with chalk, adorned with marble, and distinguished with gold and colors, but inside they are full of dead men's bones, so also are bad teachers. They teach one thing and do something else. They may show purity in the quality of their clothing and in the humility of their words, but inwardly they are full of all filth, avarice, and lust.

quomodo sepulcra forinsecus lota sunt calce et ornata marmoribus et auro coloribusque distincta, intus autem plena sunt ossibus mortuorum, sic et perversi magistri, qui alia docent et alia faciunt, munditiam habitu vestis et verborum humilitate demonstrant: intus autem pleni sunt omni spurcitia et avaritia et libidine.

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