Saturday, December 21, 2024


The Price of Gold

Augustine, Sermons 331.5 (Patrologia Latina, vol. 38, col. 1462; tr. Edmund Hill):
Observe how much the lovers of gold are prepared to suffer. They commit themselves to sea voyages in the roughest winter weather; they are so heated up with avarice, that they don't dread any cold; they are tossed about by the winds, hoisted up and dumped down by the waves; pursued by unimaginable dangers to the point of death.

Amatores auri videte quanta patiantur. Hiemalibus asperitatibus se navigando committunt: sic fervent avaritia, ut nulla formident frigora; iactantur ventis, suspenduntur et deprimuntur fluctibus; ineffabilibus periculis usque ad mortem agitantur.

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