Thursday, July 26, 2018


Prayer of Naevolus

Juvenal 9.137-146 (tr. G.G. Ramsay, slightly revised):
O my own little Lares, whom I am wont to supplicate with a pinch of frankincense or grain, or with a tiny garland, when can I assure myself of what will keep my old age from the beggar's staff and mat? Twenty thousand sesterces, well secured; some vessels of plain silver—yet such as Censor Fabricius would have condemned—and a couple of stout Moesian porters on whose hired necks I may be taken comfortably to my place in the bawling circus. Let me have besides a stooping engraver, and a painter who will quickly dash off any number of likenesses. That is enough.

o parvi nostrique Lares, quos ture minuto
aut farre et tenui soleo exorare corona,
quando ego figam aliquid, quo sit mihi tuta senectus
a tegete et baculo? viginti milia faenus        140
pigneribus positis, argenti vascula puri,
sed quae Fabricius censor notet, et duo fortes
de grege Moesorum, qui me cervice locata
securum iubeant clamoso insistere Circo;
sit mihi praeterea curvus caelator, et alter        145
qui multas facies pingit cito; sufficiunt haec.

143 locatum Heinrich
Related post: Little I Ask.

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