Friday, January 03, 2025


Restriction on Land Ownership

Livy 10.13.14 (tr. B.O. Foster):
In that year many men were prosecuted by the aediles on the charge of possessing more land than the law allowed. Hardly anybody was acquitted, and exorbitant greed was sharply curbed.

eo anno plerisque dies dicta ab aedilibus, quia plus quam quod lege finitum erat agri possiderent; nec quisquam ferme est purgatus vinculumque ingens immodicae cupiditati iniectum est.


Good Advice

Matthew 10:17 (tr. Richmond Lattimore):
Beware of people...

προσέχετε δὲ ἀπὸ τῶν ἀνθρώπων...
The Cambridge Greek Lexicon, s.v. προσέχω, sense 5:
be on one's guard — W. από + GEN. against someone or sthg. NT.

Thursday, January 02, 2025


A Wise Beast

Plautus, Truculentus 865-870 (Phronesium to Diniarchus; tr. Wolfgang de Melo):
I know that you have a betrothed and a son from your betrothed,
that you need to marry her now, and that your mind is already elsewhere,
so that you'll treat me as an abandoned girl. But still,
think what a clever animal the little mouse is;
it never entrusts its life to a single hole
without already having chosen another shelter if one is being besieged.

scio equidem sponsam tibi esse et filium ex sponsa tua,        865
et tibi uxorem ducendam iam, esse alibi iam animum tuom,
ut <me> quasi pro derelicta sis habiturus. sed tamen
cogitato mus pusillus quam sit sapiens bestia,
aetatem qui non cubili <uni> umquam committit suam,
quin, si unum [odium] opsideatur, aliud <iam> perfugium <ele>gerit.       870

867 ut me Lambinus: et BC, e D
869 uni add. Bücheler
870 quin si Bothe: quia si B, quasi CD
odium B: om. CD, ostium Camerarius
iam perfugium elegerit Leo: perfugium gerit P
Line 867 is garbled in the Digital Loeb Classical Library edition, with the presence of the nonsensical thanme:
The text of Truculentus is poorly preserved as it is, and the Digital Loeb Classical Library just makes it worse here.

For parallels to lines 868-870 see Heinrich Bebel, Proverbia Germanica, ed. W.H.D. Suringar (Leiden: E.J. Brill, 1879), pp. 389-391, number 305 (Misera est vulpes, quae unum tantum latibulum habet).


Wednesday, January 01, 2025


After an Exorcism

Matthew 9:33 (tr. Robert K. Brown), in The New Greek-English Interlinear New Testament ... Translators: Robert K. Brown and Philip W. Comfort (Wheaton: Tyndale House Publishers, Inc., 1990), p. 32:
... ἐκβληθέντος τοῦ δαιμονίου ...

The interlinear translation here is wrong. CASTING OUT suggests that the participle ἐκβληθέντος is present active, whereas it's aorist passive. Similarly THE DEMONS suggests that τοῦ δαιμονίου is plural, whereas it's singular. The three words form a genitive absolute construction, meaning "the demon having been cast out."


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