Friday, February 03, 2012
Tempus Edax Rerum
Ovid, Metamorphoses 15.234-236 (tr. Frank Justus Miller):
The Latin:
Eastman Johnson, Old Man Seated
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O Time, thou great devourer, and thou, envious Age, together you destroy all things; and, slowly gnawing with your teeth, you finally consume all things in lingering death!The same, tr. Arthur Golding (1567):
Thou tyme, the eater up of things, and age of spyghtfull teene,teene = harm, grief
Destroy all things. And when that long continuance hath them bit,
You leysurely by lingring death consume them every whit.
The Latin:
tempus edax rerum, tuque, invidiosa vetustas,
omnia destruitis vitiataque dentibus aevi
paulatim lenta consumitis omnia morte!