Wednesday, June 14, 2017



Fish mosaic, from the House of the Faun (VI.xii.2), Pompeii (Museo Archeologico Nazionale di Napoli, inv. 9997):

Identification of fish on the mosaic, from Alison E. Cooley and M.G.L. Cooley, Pompeii and Herculaneum: A Sourcebook, 2nd ed. (London: Routledge, 2014), p. 246 (Figure 8.1):

See also Lello Capaldo and Ugo Moncharmont, "Animali di ambiente marino in due mosaici Pompeiani," Rivista di studi pompeiani 3 (1989) 53-68; David S. Reese, "Fish: Evidence from Specimens, Mosaics, Wall Paintings, and Roman Authors," in Wilhelmina Feemster Jashemski and Frederick G. Meyer, edd., The Natural History of Pompeii (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2002), pp. 274-291; and Reese, "Marine Invertebrates, Freshwater Shells, and Land Snails: Evidence from Specimens, Mosaics, Wall Paintings, Sculpture, Jewelry, and Roman Authors," id., pp. 292-314.

Fish for sale in Naples:

C. David Badham, Prose Halieutics: Or, Ancient and Modern Fish Tattle (London: John W. Parker and Son, 1854), p. 85:
[M]any an elaborate mosaic and brilliant little fresco of painted fish adorn the walls and flooring of the houses of Pompeii and Herculaneum, looking, after an eighteen hundred years' potting in a lava pie-crust, almost as fresh and ruddy as their readily recognized descendants in the Neapolitan pescherias.
Thanks to my daughter for the photograph of the Naples fish market.

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